Vidy-Lausanne: Lina Majdalanie and Rabih Mroué present "Hartaqat".

Between 19 and 28 January, the theater play questions the notions of norms and constraints in the individual's journey, through installations, performances, lectures and videos. The theater play is constructed as a triptych, based on texts written by three authors who address related but different subjects:

  • Bilal Khbeiz, "Non-functional memories", a text which questions the construction of the oneself;
  • Rana Issa, "Incontinences", a texte which evokes exile and patriarchal society;
  • Souhaib Ayoub, "The imperceptible ooze of life", a text which explores the multiplicity of the city of Tripoli in Lebanon.

Rabih Mroué, who is currently in residence in Berlin, says the play is different from their previous works. "We used to write our plays together, Lina and I. This is the first time we have chosen to base our theater play on texts written by friends. After receiving Bilal's text, we asked Rana and Souhaib to write for us, to give the mic to three different voices. We often perform our texts, but this time it is the actor and musician Raëd Yassine who interprets Rana's words, Souhaib performs his own text, and Lina performs Bilal's." (from an interview given to newspaper L'Orient-le-Jour).

Photo: Lina Majdalanie, Rabih Mroué, Raëd Yassine and Souhaib Ayoub. Copyrights: Nora Rupp.