"A Promenade in Nature"

This is Fatima El Hajj's new solo exhibition at the Mark Hachem Gallery in Beirut. It is open until 7 March. The large format canvases show nature in all its states, always with bright colours, which wish to convey the artist's joie de vivre. The characters are reminiscent of the myths of Antar and Abla or Tristan and Isolde. Fatima El-Hajj's landscapes are inspired by the parks and gardens of the cities she has observed and loved during her travels in Lebanon, Yemen, Morocco and France.

Born in Lebanon in 1953, Fatima El-Hajj graduated in 1978 from the Institute of Fine Arts of the Lebanese University, then from the Academy of Fine Arts in Leningrad and finally in 1983 from the "École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs" in Paris. She has been teaching at the Beirut Institute of Fine Arts since 1985, the year she won the Prix Picasso in Madrid. Since 1986, she regularly exhibits in Lebanon, in several Arab countries where she is known and recognized (Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Syria, Morocco, Qatar, ...), in Spain and in France.

Photo: "Détente Musicale", Fatima El Hajj, 2017, acrylic and oil on canvas, 150 x 190 cm.