Tunis: the Bardo National Museum presents "Tunez en Sepia"

The fruit of collaboration between Tunisia and Spain, this exhibition offers a glimpse of Tunisia through the eyes of 19th-century European photographers. It echoes the exhibition of the same name currently on show in Madrid until 14 January at the National Archaeological Museum.

"These photographic archives are also an invitation to discover in a different way the wealth of Tunisian port cities on the coast, such as Tabarka and Sousse, and desert towns such as Matmata, as well as prehistoric sites and excavations from the Carthaginian and Byzantine periods, as well as monuments and towns that highlight the splendour of the Roman Empire, the grandeur of royal mausoleums or the magnificence of defensive and religious buildings from the medieval and modern periods during the domination of Arab dynasties, the conquest of Charles V and the era of Ottoman hegemony. " - press release.

Photo: Fachada. Templo romano conocido como Capitolio. Thugga (Dougga). J. Garrigues, 1880.