Tangier: "(Re)birth" by Bachir Demnati.

From 19 January to 10 March at the Delacroix gallery of the French Institute of Tangier, the exhibition "(Re)birth " will take place. It proposes to discover the works of the painter Bachir Demnati. Born in Tangiers in 1946, Bachir Demnati is a founding member of the Casablanca Group, which brings together great names of contemporary art.

Extract from the press release: "Passionate about geometric abstraction, Bachir Demnati has revived his talent and energy to create throughout the country and beyond, marked by a renewed inventiveness in the search for nuances, forms and techniques. Through the exuberance of structures and colours, Demnati is reborn from the embers that have, in truth, never been extinguished.

Photo: 'Ondulations', Bachir Demnati, Tangier, 2017, acrylic and collage on Plexiglas, 100 x 125 cm, Courtesy CM Gallery.