The Tacir-Tunis Créathon

This is a brand new concept launched in the Tunisian capital. The multimedia and audiovisual association is organising a creativity marathon - or Créathon - from 16 to 18 December at the TACIR-Lab Grand Tunis in Dar Bach Hamba.

ACIR (Talents-Arts-Creativity-Inclusion-Research) is a programme for social inclusion and professional integration through equitable access to creativity and innovation, initiated by AMAVI and supported by the Swiss Embassy in Tunisia and the Solidarity Fund for Innovative Projects (FSPI).

A call for applications has been launched targeting young people living in Greater Tunis (the governorates of Tunis, Ariana, Ben Arous and La Manouba). Successful applicants will have the opportunity to develop their project ideas following the three-day Créathon.

These projects will be supported (for one to three months) to develop prototypes.

The Créathon also offers the chance to win two prizes (of 1,500 and 1,000 dinars) for the two most innovative projects.