Seminar on preserving the memory of Moroccans from Algeria

The event was held on 11 December to mark the 48th anniversary of the "arbitrary expulsion of thousands of Moroccan citizens residing legally on Algerian soil" - press release. The meeting was organised by the Collectif international de soutien aux familles d'origine marocaine expulsées d'Algérie en 1975. This event refers to the expulsion of Moroccans from Algeria, considered as a forced displacement of the Moroccan diaspora living in Algeria to Morocco, which took place in December 1975, following the annexation of Western Sahara by Morocco.

In a statement to MAP, the President of CiMRA75, Mohamed Cherfaoui, stressed that this seminar represents "an opportunity to preserve memory, in order to collect documents and evidence, which will subsequently be submitted to the International Court of Justice".

The conference was marked by the signing of a partnership agreement between Archives du Maroc and CiMRA75, aimed at preserving the collective memory and bringing justice to Moroccan victims of arbitrary collective expulsions.