Amazigh Culture Prize 2022 awarded in Rabat

This award ceremony was held to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the Ajdir Royal Speech and the creation of the Royal Institute for Amazigh Culture (IRCAM).

The National Prize for Amazigh Literary Creativity was awarded to Fadma Feras for her novel "Nafatat", while the National Prize for Amazigh Literary Creativity (poetry) was awarded to Mohammed Ziadi for his collection of poems entitled "Jamarat Wa Jalid", and the National Prize for Studies and Research (history) went to Benlahcen Ali for his work "Ait Ouriaghel, une approche historique et sociale à travers de nouveaux documents".

The National Prize for Studies and Research (Political Science) went to Rachid Sayeh for his work entitled "L'Amazighité sur la scène politique au Maroc: Analyse des perspectives des acteurs politiques sur l'Amazighe", while the National Prize for Digital Applications and Resources (Applications) went to Mohammed Abourat for his work entitled "Assanabil Al Mohamassa".

The National Prize for Media and Communication (visual press) went to Ghizlane Issami for his work entitled "Santé", while the National Prize for Media and Communication (audio press) went to Said Houssni for his programme "Limada dahaba al Kalam".

The National Amazigh Song Prize (traditional song) was won by Fateh Aarab for his song "Mon pays est mon sang" and Ihssain Chiban for his song "Qu'est-ce qui t'arrive, mon cœur? "The National Amazigh Song Prize (modern song) went to Nouh El Otmani for her song "Al-Zawal", while the National Theatre Prize was awarded to the play "Sfoumato" by the Amazigh Professional Dramatic Research Troupe - Tiznit.

The national prize for collective dance went to a show by the Gnaoua Khamlia troupe and the Ahidous troupe from the Oriental region (Debdou, Taourirt).