Rabat: " Jassad " festival celebrates women in theatre

The second edition of the international festival of women directors "Jassad" (body in Arabic) will be held from 25 to 29 January in Rabat, organised by the Aquarium theatre. The festival will feature nine plays from nine different countries, highlighting women's theatrical creativity and their contribution to the performing arts.

The festival, chaired by Naïma Zitan, aims to promote and strengthen the presence of women in the arts and culture. It will bring together female directors from Morocco, Italy, Cameroon, Greece, France, Tunisia, Spain and Egypt/Germany, offering a remarkable artistic and cultural diversity.

The festival programme will include a series of events such as master classes, meetings and discussions, with a particular focus on women directors and set designers. A tribute will also be paid to a leading female figure in Moroccan theatre, underlining the festival's commitment to combating gender inequality in the arts.

The shows will take place in the capital's heritage venues: the Théâtre National Mohammed V and the Salle Bahnini, as well as the Théâtre Aquarium and the Salle Gérard Philippe at the Institut Français.