"2048 - Identity in Dissolution", an immersive performance by Lebanese-Palestinian visual artist Alaa Minawi.

In this show, which brings together three immersive performances, the artist Alaa Minawi asks the question of belonging, identity and the invisibilisation of minorities. Born of a Palestinian father and a Lebanese mother, he addresses the harsh reality of a country which denies to women the right to give their children their nationality.

The show is open in Mar Mikhael until 18 February.

Alaa Minawi studied computer science, communication and stage design in Beirut. He has worked for many years in the field of theatre as a lighting designer, set designer, installation artist and performer. Socio-political contexts have always been at the heart of his work, both directly and indirectly. Based in the Netherlands for the past few years, he regularly returns to present his creations in Lebanon, including this latest one "2048 - Identity in Dissolution", the fourth and final part of a series of performative installations he started in 2018.

Photo:a performance which begins with a night-time wandering of the audience through the alleys of Mar Mikhaël. Copyrights Chiara Ferilli.