The story of this Night 352 is the tale of enslaved princess Zumurrud and Ali Shar. The latter inherits a large fortune which he squanders in no time. He wanders around, hungry, until he finds Zumurrud for sale on a slave market. The two fall in love and live together until Zumurrud is kidnapped. The story continues with Ali's quest to find Zumurrud.
The version staged at the Cultural Foundation in Abu Dhabi was revisited by Iraqi playwright Hazim Kamaledin, who decided to do a tale about contemporary slavery.
Composer and leading qanun musician Osama Abdulrasol teamed up with the Brussels Jazz Orchestra and Lebanese singer Wehbe for a unique performance combining classical Arabic music and jazz.
"I want to take jazz, big band or orchestra, to a level they don't know. And I also want to take Arabic music to a new level". - Osama Abdulraso for newspaper The National.