"Les Musicales du Liban"

The festival founded by Zeina Saleh Kayali and Georges Daccache will be held at the Notre-Dame du Liban cathedral in Paris. The three concerts will take place on Sundays 12, 19 and 26 November at 4pm at the Cathedral Notre Dame du Liban in Paris.

Press release:

"The opening concert of the festival takes place on Sunday 13 November, on the theme of Rome-Beirut, and sheds an interesting light on an unprecedented dialogue between contemporary Italian and Lebanese composers, with Georges Daccache, a pioneering interpreter of Lebanon's musical heritage - and co-founder of the Musicales du Liban - on piano and Alexander Spreng on cello.

The second concert on Sunday 20 November features a young instrumental ensemble, Les Cordes résonnantes, founded by Joe Daou and Elie Sfeir, who have made a name for themselves with their interpretation of Baroque music and whose career is beginning to take off in an exciting way. They will be performing Harmonie libanaise, a programme specially 'concocted' for Les Musicales du Liban and devoted exclusively to Lebanese composers of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

On Sunday 27 November, the programme will feature the immense contralto Fadia Tomb El Hage, who has mastered the tools of Western music to perfection, yet has managed to put them at the service of her Eastern soul. Accompanied by the Ensemble Fragments, she will be presenting for the first time in Paris works from the album Masärät, a collection of pieces by Lebanese composers based on texts by Lebanese poets, specially composed for Fadia Tomb El Hage's unique voice.