Modern-day heroes: Motaz, Bisan and Plestia

Their Instagram accounts now have thousands of followers, and their names are known throughout the Arab world. These three journalists in their early twenties risk their lives every day to tell millions of internet users about their daily lives in Gaza, the gutted buildings and scattered bodies. Reporting in English to ensure international coverage, these three journalists have become close friends and family, and we worry that we won't hear from them. This OLJ article bears witness to this: "Millions of us are following you from afar with our eyes. Our hearts go out to you all the time, thinking of you all the time and protecting you in our thoughts. Calling you by your first names and knowing you without actually knowing you. "Where's Motaz?", "Have we heard from Bisan?", "Plestia hasn't posted anything for three hours now, I'm starting to worry". The three of them have already lived through five wars, and Plestia celebrated its 22nd birthday this week.

Photo : @byplestia