70 years of the Maison du Maroc in Paris

Founded 70 years ago, the foundation has decided to celebrate this anniversary with an ambitious cultural programme featuring conferences, exhibitions and concerts.

"Morocco on the move" by Mohammed Benlahsen, President of the University of Picardie Jules Verne

  • "Tanger Med, genesis of a giant of the sea" by Mohamed Metalsi, former Director of Cultural Affairs at the Arab World Institute and former Dean of the Euromed Faculty in Fez.
  • "The Tangier-Med port, a lever for Moroccan economic development" by Jaafar Mrhardy, member of the Tangier Med group management board.
  • "Le grand projet de Rabat, modèle d'une agglomération urbaine" by Nadir Yacoubi, Director of the mobility and transport company Tramway Rabat-Salé.
  • « Le grand projet de Rabat, modèle d’une agglomération urbaine » par Nadir Yacoubi, directeur de la société de mobilité et de transport Tramway Rabat-Salé.
  • Concert by Naziha Meftah.

Mercredi 6 décembre :

  • Opening of the exhibition of paintings by the painter and visual artist Mohamed Mourabiti.
  • "Poetry and painting" by the painter and visual artist Mohamed Mourabiti.
  • "Mourabiti, le parcours d'un autodidacte singulier" by Mohamed Metalsi.
  • Arabo-Andalusian music concert by Abderrahim Abdelmoumen

Thursday 7 December:

  • "Artificial intelligence: scope and constraints" by Abdelhadi Zahouani, nutritionist and pharmacologist, Paris.
  • "Morocco in the age of artificial intelligence" by Younès Bennani, Professor of Machine Learning & Data Science at Sorbonne Paris Nord University
  • "Artificial intelligence: a lever for development on the African continent - example of the UM6P AI Movement centre" by Ms Amal Fallah Seghrouchni, Executive President of the UM6P AI Movement, Morocco's international artificial intelligence centre
  • "Heritage and artificial intelligence: what epistemological basis and social link? by Abderrahman Tenkoul, Dean of Euro-Med University
  • "Health in the age of artificial intelligence" by Aïssa Kerkour Elmiad, Professor at Mohamed 1er University, Director of UMR 5M-UMP Oujda, founding member of the Claire International Collective.
  • Concert by Mostafa Harfi, musicologist.

Friday 8 December 2023:

  • "Literary writing in Morocco" by Abdellah Ben Mlih, international consultant and expert in human resources management.
  • "Moroccan literature: the constant renewal of forms and genres" by Abderrahman Tenkoul, Dean of Euro-Med University
  • "Arts and literature" by Mustapha Kebir Ammi, writer
  • Play on the theme of the anniversary of the Maison du Maroc by Improvisation Club de la Cité Universitaire

Saturday 9 December 2023 :

  • Screening of the film "Rock The Kasbah" in the presence of director Laïla Marrakchi
  • Tributes to the late Nourredine Saïl, Edgar Morin, Sabah Abouessalam, Abdelkader Lagtaa.
  • Concert by the group Mizan and karaoke evening.