The Abu Dhabi Centre's Sard Addahab Prize

Three Moroccans won the 2023 prize.

Abderrahim Salili won the prize in the short story category for unpublished narrative works, for his story "Tremblement de terre" (Earthquake), which recounts the Al-Haouz earthquake.

The writer Houda Achamachi also won the prize in the same category for her "Elégie du parfum et de la mer", which deals with the expulsion from the Andalusia of yesteryear and the secret migration to the Spain of today.

In the narrator category, the prize was awarded to Najima Tay Ghozali, who, in her narration of inherited tales, preserves the language of the original tale and presents it in a style that builds on suspense compatible with the atmosphere of the tale, thus showing through her way of presenting and choosing tales her concern to preserve this heritage and present it in a new and modern way that responds to the contemporary audience.