"The Aleppo Pact", a film by Karim Serjieh

Karim Serjieh's feature film recently won an award at the Festival international Jean Rouch, and is shown at the Festival du film franco-arabe de Noisy-le-Sec and the Festival international de la création documentaire de La Rochelle.

"The Aleppo Pact" is not the diary of a revolution, nor the chronicle of war events. The film follows the thread of an intimate resolution - shared with others - which is that of the loyalty of a "son" and a witness to his country at war. How does one decide whether to stay or leave, and what are the consequences of these two decisions?

Karim Serjieh traces the collapse of one reality, the nightmarish emergence of a new one, and in the midst of it all, the 'non collapse' of himself, confronted with fatherhood in the most intense situation of chaos. Honest and clear-sighted, the film offers itself, through this openly personal dimension, as a universal key to understanding the tragedy of the Syrian conflict, as well as any experience of destruction.