The Choir of the Arts and Culture establishment is all about Africa

As part of the cultural accompaniment programme for the 2022 African Nations Championship, the show entitled "Let's sing Africa" revisited the African musical repertoire.

Sous la direction de Zahir Mazari, les choristes et les musiciens ont réinterprétés des tubes devenus iconiques tels que « Africa » de Toto, « Meriama » et « Ana hourra fi Djazair » (Je suis libre en Algérie), ou encore « Free Nelson Mandela », chanson écrite en 1984 en soutien à cette figure de la lutte contre l’apartheid, encore en prison à l’époque.

The choir also revisited songs by Algerian artists who have sung about Africa and its cultural diversity, such as "Africa" by the group Freeklane, "Africa, Taferka" by Idir, "South Africa" by the group Djezma, etc.

Created in 2019, the Choir of the Arts and Culture establishment has more than eighty young choristers.

The African Nations Championship ends on 4 February. A cultural and artistic programme accompanies the competition in the cities of Algiers, Oran, Annaba and Constantine.