This fifth edition will be held from 10 to 17 June and will focus on the theme of transmission. For the first time, these days will also take place outside Tunis and will include other forms of performance besides dance, such as theatre, music and circus.
The artistic director, Salim Ben Safia, has announced that 179 artists, dancers and choreographers will be joining the event, from various countries including Lebanon (choreographer Stephanie Kayal) and Morocco (choreographer Mohamed Lamqayssi). The Tunisian choreographers include Namouchi Larbi, Sofian Jouini, Ala Zrafi, Hamdi Dridi, Ridha Rzigh, Cyrinne Douss, Ridha Tlili, Syhem Belkhodja, Imed Amara and Marwen Errouine.
The festival opened with the show 'Archipelago'. This show is the first choreographic collaboration between French choreographer Mathilde Monnier and Tunisian choreographer Malek Sebai, as well as between the Opera of Tunis and the Choreographic ensemble of the National Conservatory of Music and Dance of Paris. The first performance of "Archipel" took place in Paris from 9 to 11 May.
The theme of transmission will also be explored in Maguy Marin's 'May B', where audiences will discover the collaboration with Tunisian dancers from the Sybel Ballet Théâtre company, Production Ramdam- Ness El Fen. Lasting 90 minutes, this performance, inspired by Samuel Beckett's work, is considered a major piece in the world contemporary dance repertoire. Since its creation in 1981, 'May B' has been performed more than 800 times around the world.
The "Focus on First Stepss" gives visibility to seven young talents who are on the programme alongside a large number of Tunisian and foreign choreographers, including Namouchi Larbi, Sofian Jouini, Ala Zrafi, Hamdi Dridi, Ridha Rzigh, Cyrinne Douss, Ridha Tlili, Sihem Belkhodja, Imed Amara and Marwen Errouine.
You can find the entire programme on the following link: