"Imprim'Ness", the first festival celebrating printing and illustration arts in Tunisia

"Imprim'Ness" takes place on 10 and 11 March at the Institut français de Tunisie. This first festival promoting printing and illustration arts in Tunisia will showcase many printing techniques used in North Africa and the Middle East.

Initiated by the art gallery ArtForNess and in collaboration with the French Institute of Tunisia, this first edition will honour the country of papyrus and millenary drawings, Egypt.

The programme includes an exhibition, two training courses, three workshops, a round table and twenty sales stands.

  • Entitled "Solid Members of a Molten Body", the exhibition is a collection of multidisciplinary works ranging from texts and drawings to performance and animation.
  • The round table "Can Artificial Intelligence and Art Peacefully Coexist" is a discussion with artists about their perception of their profession today, tomorrow and in the years to come.
  • The trainings are open to cultural professionals and the workshops will be open to the general public.