Reel Palestine" Festival at Cinema Akil in Dubai, from 29 January to 6 February 2022.

The festival features 24 movies, including documentaries and short-films.

The following films will be screened :
Little Palestine, Diary of a Siege" by Abdallah Al Khatib, tells the story of Yarmouk inhabitants in Damascus. The film was nominated for London Film Festival.

Huda's Salon" by Oscar-nominated director Hany Abu Assad, which is a political thriller based on real events.

"Farha" by Darin Sallam, based on the real-life story of a refugee who witnessed Nakba in Palestine. The film won special mention award during the International Red Sea Film Festival.

Al Gharib" by Fakher Eldin, which talks about Golan Heights' occupation. The film won Edipo Re Award for Inclusion at 2021 Venice Film Festival.

"They were nomads" by Carlo Concina and Cristina Maurelli, a short film about a Bedouin minority living between Jerusalem and Jericho. The film won Audience Award at 2020 Boston Palestine Film Festival.