Amazigh New Year celebrations in Agadir

The city of Agadir has organised a rich and varied programme to celebrate the Amazigh New Year 2974, from 8 to 14 January. This celebration takes on particular importance following the King's decision to make it a public holiday.

The festivities, organised in partnership with a number of regional and cultural institutions, took place at the Jardin Ibn Zaydoun, featuring products from local cooperatives and an exhibition of Amazigh photographs and works of art.

There was also a scientific component, with seminars on Amazigh culture at the Sahara cinema in Talborjt. The presentation and signing of the book 'Yennayer: Une introduction à l'étude du calendrier amazigh' (Yennayer: An introduction to the study of the Amazigh calendar) by Lahoucine Bouyaakoubi, and an international symposium on the theme of 'Yennayer and the shared cultural depth of North Africa' were also organised.

The Complexe culturel Mohamed Khair-Eddine hosted the Azaforum Forum on the theme of "Officialising the Amazigh Year in Morocco: meanings and challenges". Ahwach and Rawais art shows, performances by ancient and modern Amazigh music groups, and artistic evenings at various venues around the city enlivened the celebrations.

Screenings of Amazigh films at the Sahara cinema, in partnership with the Isni Nourg International Amazigh Film Festival Association, enriched the cultural programme, offering residents and visitors an immersive experience of Amazigh culture.