Artistic expansion of Morocco's first Land Art trail

Morocco is home to its first Land Art trail, named Dawya, in the northern mountains, more specifically in the Boujmil douar. This initiative, the first of its kind in the country, features works of nature art that can be viewed free of charge, enhancing the value of this mountainous region.

Organised by the Zanka90 association for culture, guided walks are available all year round, allowing visitors to discover these works of art in the heart of nature. The "Dawya Natures" concept developed by Jean Christophe Michaut, the association's presidency, offers tailor-made, eco-responsible experiences for all ages, with donkey rides and creative workshops introducing visitors to Land Art.

For 2024, the "Dawya Natures" project, supported by the Agence nationale des eaux et forêts, the M'diq-Fnideq prefecture and the municipality of Al Alyiyene, aims to generate income for local residents and promote rural and community-based tourism. The open-air art exhibition, which is enhanced each year by Moroccan and international artists, aims to boost creativity and cultural exchange.

The trail currently boasts 10 Land Art installations, recently inaugurated in the presence of a large number of visitors. Access is free for walkers and nature lovers. The Zanka90 association hopes to invite 10 more artists in 2024 for artist residencies, to further enrich the Dawya Trail with new Land Art installations. This project illustrates Morocco's commitment to artistic creativity and the preservation of the natural environment.