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A new three-day exhibition was organised by Piece of Feel at Line Furniture in Riyadh from 19 to 21 February.

Piece of Feel is an initiative of Princess Roqayaih bent Saud to create a platform for an art society offering workshops and exhibitions.

The event featured fifteen Saudi works celebrating the history and heritage of the region. On display were pieces by Princess Roqayaih, as well as artists Mohammed al-Ajlan, Ibrahim Alalmai, Modhi Muslih, Wedad Alahmadi, Mohammed Rayes, photographer Hadeel al-Jmaan, sculptor Mohammed Althaqafi, multimedia artist Mai Hamdan, and calligrapher Bader Aljafen.

"Previously, Western artists received more attention, but after Vision 2030, the situation changed completely. The camera's lens has focused more on Saudi artists with the aim of showing the world how much art, how much talent and how much creation comes from our souls." - Mai Hamdan, interview given to Arab News.

Copyrights: Abdelaziz Alnoman / Arab News.