Essaouira: increased budget for the rehabilitation of the medina

An estimated budget of 60 million DH (MDH) has been allocated to the restoration of historic monuments as part of the complementary programme for the rehabilitation and enhancement of the ancient medina of Essaouira (2019-2023).

Restoration work has been carried out on the port Sqala's ancillary facilities, fountains, places of worship (the Haha and Errahala mosques, the Regraga Zaouia, the Kettania Zaouia and the Salât El Kamel synagogue). Several restorations have also taken place at the Portuguese church, as well as the rehabilitation and upgrading of historic squares (Chrib Atay, Chefchaouni, El Fennanine and Errahba).

Of the 27 restoration projects, 9 have been completed.