Dubai: "From End to End", the new exhibition of Tashkeel Centre, from January 18 March 1st.

« Untitled », 2017, par Mona Allouz. © Tashkeel

The exhibition deals with environmental issues and the destruction of the environment by human beings. Organised by Lateefa bint Maktoum, artist and founder of Tashkeel, and photographer Jassim Al Awadhi, the event brings together six photographers from the UAE including Ola Allouz, Yaghoub Al Hammadi, Mousa Al Raeesi, Fayçal Al Rais, Mona Al Tamimi and Maitha Bughanoum.

‘From End to End’ prompts the viewer to question mankind’s synergy with the natural world. The subtle details of each work highlight man’s unrelenting disruption of the environment around him: The microparticles of plastics worn by fisherwomen drifting into the seas; the remnants of fishing nets deposited in the seas of the Arabian Gulf; the dredged tidal flats off the shore of Abu Dhabi; and the plastic waste generated from communal feasts.

Photo © Ola Allouz, « Untitled », 2017