"Return from Egypt" by Moataz Nasr

The Italian gallery based in Paris, "galleria continua", hosts a solo exhibition dedicated to Egyptian painter and sculptor Moataz Nasr. The exhibition, entitled "Return from Egypt", looks back on the last fifteen years of the artist's production, with works that explore the political, social and identity issues that run through North Africa and the Middle East, with a particular focus on the existing relations between the West and the East.

Born in 1961 in Alexandria, Moataz Nasr is a self-taught visual artist whose work is primarily concerned with the cultural processes of the Islamic world. In 1998, he founded one of the first independent Egyptian exhibition spaces in Cairo with other artists of his generation, "Townhouse". Recently exhibited in various collective events - Jardin des Tuileries (Paris) in 2019 for the FIAC; at the National Museum of Immigration in Paris in 2018, or in Abu Dhabi for the event "Abu Dhabi Art 2018 Beyond" -, the artist won the "AVIFFArt Film Festival" award in Cannes with the film "The Mountain". In 2023, he participates in the inaugural edition of the Islamic Art Biennale in Jeddah.

Photo: "Beetle", Moataz Nasr, 2023, wood and matches, 150 x 150 cm. Copyrights: Allison Borgo