Creation of the Arab Design Organisation announced by Hicham Lahlou.

This organisation, whose acronym is AADO, wishes to federate initiatives at regional and international levels, through the transversality of design. Co-initiated and co-founded by Hicham Lahlou, the organisation symbolises the Amazigh and African dimensions of the Arab world, and promotes the multiculturalism of the region.

All fashion and design actors from the African continent and the Arab world are encouraged to participate in AADO's events.

Hicham Lahlou announced the upcoming Arab Design Week and Arab Design Awards, the venues of which will be announced shortly.

The designer and interior architect Hicham Lahlou was appointed on 31 March 2022 as Special Envoy and Advisor to the President of the World Design Organisation, David Kusuma, for the MENA Regions and Africa.

Photo: Moroccan Youssef Drissi is crowned best young fashion designer in Africa in Dakhl in 2018, as part of the eleventh edition of the International Fashion Festival in Africa. Copyrights: Infomediaire.