Beit Tabaris, high-level masterclasses

The Beirut-based artists' residence, founded and directed by Zeina Saleh Kayali, has taken on the mission of offering high-level masterclasses to young Lebanese musicians.

Thus, a violin masterclass with Arnaud Nuvolone, first violin of the national orchestra of the Opera of Paris, was held in February with, at the same time, a concert by soprano Lara Jokhadar, mezzo-soprano Natasha Nassar and pianist Betty Kourtian.

Seven student selected by concertmaster of the Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra, Mario Rahi, took part in the training, which ended with a concert featuring works by Bach, Tchaikovsky, Paganini, Beethoven, Suk, Kreisler and by Lebanese composer Boghos Gelalian.

Arnaud Nuvolone said he was overwhelmed by the students' thirst for learning and their tenacity, even though they face so many difficulties in their daily lives.

Photo: copyrights L'Orient-le-Jour