"Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders" in Marrakech

The Ochre City welcomed emerging leaders from 26 countries as part of the Atlantic Dialogues conference, launched by the Policy Center for the New South to encourage dialogue between professionals from the North and South.

This year, 43 young leaders are joining the community of 380 past participants to take part in the leadership training seminars and workshops scheduled for 11 to 13 December in Marrakech. The group is made up of 29 women and 14 men, including 15 Africans, 10 Europeans, 9 North Americans, 8 South Americans and Caribbean nationals, and one Asian. In terms of sectoral breakdown, the participants are 30% from civil society or non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 15% from the private sector, 15% from governments, 12.5% from international organisations, 7.5% from the public sector and 5% from academia.

The list of selected leaders is as follows: https://www.policycenter.ma/index.php/adel-community?field_year_value=2023