Art Dubai 2024: program, exhibitions and conferences

Art Dubai 2024 is in its 17th edition. The program is open to the public from March 1 to 3 at Madinat Jumeirah. Pablo del Val, artistic director of the event, highlights Art Dubai's institutional role in the region's cultural ecosystem, supporting artists, research, cultural education and intellectual leadership. The 2024 program wanted to reflect the diversity of Dubai.

One of the main focuses of the Global Art Forum remains that of global warming with a study on extreme weather conditions and their impacts on the social and cultural domains. Speakers include Stephanie Rosenthal, director of the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi; Samir Bantal, director of the AMO think tank at the Office of Metropolitan Architecture in Rotterdam; Anne Holtrop, founder of Studio Anne Holtrop of Bahrain; as well as the artist Monira Al Qadiri. She is a Kuwaiti artist. She is known for her works that explore topics such as cultural identity, gender, and the Gulf's oil legacy.

The “Modern and Collector Talks” conference, presented in collaboration with Dubai Collection, will present, in several sessions, the artistic connections established during the Cold War, including the influence of Soviet educational initiatives on South Asian artists, Africa and the Middle East.

The fair's educational program extends to more than 100 schools, reaching nearly 15,000 young people. Sahil Naik, Indian artist, will lead workshops for children, encouraging them to imagine the future of cities.

Art is also part of the program, obviously. A series of works, focused on hope and healing, will explore the transformative power of art in difficult times. Krista Kim, a Korean-Canadian artist, will present “Heart Space,” a digital installation interconnecting visitors through their heartbeats. Piaget will host “The House of Gold,” an exhibition on the symbolic aspects of gold, including jewelry collections, luxury watches and commissioned artworks.

“We are committed to laying the foundations for a thriving cultural and creative ecosystem, inspired by our city of Dubai” – Benedetta Ghione, Executive Director of the event.