Abdelwahad Radi entrusts his personal archives to the Archives of Morocco

Former president of the House of Representatives, politician and parliamentarian, Abdelwahad Radi, has just expressed his willingness to entrust his archives to the Archives of Morocco. The handing over ceremony of these archives is scheduled for the beginning of June 2023, on the occasion of the "International Week of Archives", informs a press release of the Archives of Morocco.

Born in 1935 in Sala, he was still very young when he got involved in politics. His personal archives will enrich the national memory. "His professional and political career translates and expresses the concerns, debates and commitments of this important period in the history of Morocco, Morocco under the Protectorate and contemporary and current Morocco (...) his archives will give to researchers and politicians an important testimony regarding the evolutions and complexity of the Moroccan political scene, whether it be local, regional, national or international" - press release of the Archives of Morocco.