Paris: "An Untitled Body" by Sara Chaar

To mark the 35th anniversary of his gallery, founded in Paris in October 1988, Claude Lemand, collector, gallery owner, art publisher and major donor to the Institut du Monde Arabe museum, was delighted to present a selection of paintings by Sara Chaar. Through a series of abstract compositions, she explores existential questions that challenge the contradictory ideas between biological characteristics and social constructions of identity.

Sara Chaar uses a cold wax painting technique, also known as "cold wax medium". This medium, made from melted beeswax, solvent and resin, enables her to create a wide variety of textures. It can be mixed with other artistic mediums, breaking the 'fat on lean' rule that usually governs oil painting.

Photo: Everything Everywhere II Cold wax and oil on canvas 150 x 200cm
Sara Chaar 2023. Galerie Claude Lemand.