L'Oréal-Unesco Awards

The L'Oréal Foundation and Unesco are reaffirming their commitment to supporting women scientists, giving them a higher profile and backing their research. 63 candidates (doctoral and post-doctoral students) have been selected in North Africa from 92 eligible applications.

"Coming from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, and from a wide range of research fields, these promising scientists have been awarded a €10,000 grant, providing them with specific support at a pivotal moment in their scientific careers" - press release.

The winners:

  • The Maghreb 2023 Young Talent Prize for Women in Science was awarded to Meroua Safa Mechouche for her research: "Biosynthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles and design of lectin nano-conjugates for a targeted therapeutic approach".
  • Wafa Babay was awarded the prize for her research on "Enhancing the microbial environment of ovarian cancer: new biomarkers for early detection and therapeutic strategies".
  • Nisrine Nouj won for her "Ecological treatment of wastewater using fishery by-products by bio-coagulation - bio-sorption and treatment of sludge by vermicomposting".
  • Fatima-Zahra Azar was awarded the prize for her "Development of a new process for extracting essential oils from medicinal and aromatic plants".
  • Hanane Yaagoubi won for her "Optimisation of additive manufacturing processes".