Damascus: "Memory and Rubble"

The solo exhibition by Palestinian artist Adnan Hamida features 21 large-scale paintings, mixing materials, supports, expressionism and realism. Hamida began this project, entitled Cosmology, after the aggression on Gaza in 2008, and continued it during the years of war in Syria. The entire project can be seen at the Alif Noon gallery.

The artist presents his reflections on the recurring themes of war, such as injustice, pain, sadness and solitude.

The artist graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Damascus University, specialising in advertising, in 1985, and has worked as a drawing and painting teacher at the Adham Ismail Fine Arts Centre and as a lecturer in the Visual Communications Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Damascus. He is currently working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the International Arab University.