Student film days in Skikda

The short film "Koullouna Nantami" (We all belong) by student Mohamed-Larbi Bourourou, from the University of Skikda, won the prize for best film at this second edition.

The prize was awarded by a unanimous decision of the jury, made up of university lecturers specialising in the audiovisual sector and officials from the Department of Culture and the Arts in the wilaya of Skikda.

The director, Mohamed-Larbi Bourourou, explains that his film deals with the suffering of a boy with Treacher-Collins syndrome, which involves malformations of varying degrees of severity of the face, ears and eyes.

The second edition of the Journées nationales du cinéma étudiant, organised over three days, saw the participation of 10 short films made by students from the universities of Constantine, Annaba, Saïda, Oum El Bouaghi, Tizi Ouzou, Mostaganem and Skikda.