"Tnaash", the Lebanese "Twelve Angry Men

Directed by Boudy Sfeir and screened on 23 November in Paris to mark the opening of the French Lebanese Film Festival, "Tnaash" brings together twelve actors in a closed-door setting, confronting them with the reality of Lebanese society.

"I've always wondered," says Boudi Sfeir, "whether a group of Lebanese from different communities, religions or even political backgrounds, stuck in a situation where they have to make a unified decision, would be objective or influenced by their social backgrounds and emotional baggage. - Boudy Sfeir for OLJ.

The film opens with the trial of a Syrian refugee, the day after 4 August 2020 and a judicial reform. Community belonging, politics, immigration... The jurors find themselves considering and explaining many of the issues that have been driving Lebanon in recent years.