First edition of Seasons of Creation, 7 to 14 November

This week celebrates Tunisian theatre and its creators, in partnership with the Abdelwahab Ben Ayed Foundation.

This project takes up the torch from "La semaine du théâtre tunisien", launched in the 1960s and discontinued in the early 2000s. The aim of this first edition is to showcase new productions and new Tunisian talent. The initiative is led by artist and academician Moez Mrabet.

15 plays are scheduled:

  • "La ferme" (The Farm) by Ghazi Zaghbani,
  • "Title" by Haykel Rahali,
  • "14/11" by Moez Gdiri,
  • "Troupeau" by Hamadi Mezzi,
  • "Châala" by Amina Dachraoui,
  • "Rohhab" by Moayed Ghazouani,
  • "J'ai rêvé de toi hier" by Lobna Mlika and Brahim Jomaâ,
  • "Black-out" by Mounir Argui,
  • "Autre chose" by Mohamed Kouas,
  • "Dîner de chiens" by Youssef Mares,
  • "Korrinti" by Asma Thabet,
  • "Now you are being questioned" by Sami Jouini,
  • "Gilgamesh" by Ali Nasser,
  • "The Godzilla Phenomenon by Aous Brahim,
  • "La fuite du repenti" by Abdel Wahed Mabrouk.

A jury comprising Fatma Ben Saïden, Hamdi Hmaïdi, Wafa Tabouni, Nizar Saïdi and Hatem Telili Mahmoudi will award the prizes<;

This week is also an opportunity for debate on issues that impact and influence creation and condition creativity, and it is within the framework of a symposium on the theme of "Theatre at a time of resistance" directed by Hamadi Ouhaïbi that art and theatre, as an act of creation and resistance, come to the fore at the heart of a political current event that is shaking up the region with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.