Paris: The Arab World Institute presents the monographic exhibition of Slimen Elkamel until March 06, 2022.

© Arab News

The exhibition "Open heart" is part of a bigger event entitled "Journey of Slimen Elkamel in Paris" which takes place at the Arab World Institute, the gallery La La Lande (which represents the artist), and the gallery Nouchine Pehlavan(which lends its space for this event).

On this occasion, a monograph showing twelve years of the artist’s work, has been published by Skira, in collaboration with the gallery La Lande.

« Nature is a fundamental echo in my artistic practice, as I have lived in the countryside since my early childhood. According to me, it embodies an anchor, and it is up to us to reconsider it knowing that it has a determining role. It must be perceived as an alternative to escape violence or the surrounding frenzy." Slimen Elkamel.

Photo © Arab World Institute