Second edition of the President's Prize for Amazigh Literature and Language.

Organised by the High Commission for Amazighity, in coordination with the Ministry of Culture and the wali of Tamanrasset, the ceremony took place at Dar El-Imzad.

The prize rewards four laureates in different categories:

  • Research on the Amazigh intangible cultural heritage: 1st prize awarded to Fertouni Khaled;
  • Scientific, technological and digital research: no first prize, and the second and third prizes were given to Agabi Shahrazad and Saoudi Abdessamie.
  • Linguistics: no first prize, the second and third prizes went to Touati Ramdane and Dehane Noureddine respectively;
  • Amazigh litterature and literature translated in Amazigh: 1st prize awarded to Maghzouchen Belkacem.