Arab Women Artists Now 2023

The film festival gives women directors and artists a chance to shine at Rich Mix London this month. Discover the program on the following link:

Some artists to follow:

  • Fadia Ahmad: award-winning Spanish-Lebanese photographer and director Fadia Ahmad captures Africa, the Middle East and Asia through her lens. Her multi-awarded documentary "Beirut, The Aftermath" analyses the double explosion of the port of Beirut, bringing together post-disaster images of the city and testimonies from residents from different social backgrounds. The film did the opening of the AWAN festival on 2 March.
  • Soudade Kaadan: the Syrian director will answer questions from the audience after the screening of her film "Nezouh", which tells the story of a family left behind in besieged Damascus.
  • The Station: this independent platform from Baghdad supports young entrepreneurs and artists. The platform collaborates with the AWAN festival on a project which provides an annual mentoring programme for five artists from Iraq and five Arab artists based in the UK. At the festival, these artists will display their work and share their journey. The artists in question are the following: Alaa Alsraji, Sally Souraya, Farida Eltigi, DJ Luma, Lara Kobeissi, Yusur Mokdad, Niga Salam, Mena Hadad, Yusur Mokdad and Raz Kamaran.
  • Hawazin Alotaibi: Saudi-American artist, she exhibits her latest paintings at Rich Mix London during the time of the festival. Identity and time fleeing are key elements to understand her work. She is also a DJ and a music producer.

Photo: painting from the series "Fingerprints of a Lover" by Hawazin Alotaibi.