Jameel Arts and Health Lab

Following an agreement between the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Steinhardt School of New York University, Community Jameel and Culturunners, the Jameel Arts and Health Lab was launched in New York on 27 February. It is the first major arts and health initiative in the history of the WHO.

The aim of the centre is to coordinate and encourage scientific research into the role of the arts in improving health and well-being. The centre's initial research will focus on the effects of music on mothers with postnatal depression and the impact of the arts in dementia care.

"In my own journey as an artist and curator working in the Middle East in the aftermath of 9/11, I have witnessed the healing power of art, particularly as a bridge between communities and across psychological and ideological boundaries" - Culturunners founder Stephen Stapleton for the online media outlet Arab News.

Photo: The Jameel Arts & Health Lab was launched at the National Arts Club in New York. Copyrights Al Arabiya.