Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival

His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, officially opened the eleventh edition of the annual festival on 3 February. While the event is coming to an end (28 February), the open-air exhibition will continue until 31 March.

The UAE festival has brought together more than 120 local and international artists from around 30 countries. The theme of the 2023 event was nature, highlighting the need to preserve and promote natural heritage.

Film screenings, gastronomic experiences, conferences and exhibitions, etc. The programme is rich and is in line with a logic of sustainability, well aware that Dubai will host the Conference of the Parties 28 at the end of the year.

Photo: copyrights "What's on".