The Palace of Culture Moufdi-Zakaria in Algiers hosts a photography exhibition dedicated to the Islamic architectural heritage

Entitled "Takamol" (complementarity), this exhibition is organised in parallel with the 17th conference of the Union of Councils of the Member Countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, whichtakes place in Algiers on 29 and 30 January.

The exhibition includes a hundred photographs showing the architectural specificities of Algerian mosques dating from different eras: Almoravid, Almohad, Zianid, or Ottoman.

The exhibited photographers:

  • Abdelkrim Metalsi Tani who focuses on the mosques of Tlemcen
  • Safa Ziani who proposes to discover the Sidi Boumediene mosque
  • Samia Filali shows the Emir Abdelkader mosque
  • Djamel Ghezal captures the city of Constantine
  • Abdelkader Asloun is passionate about the mosques of the Casbah of Algiers.

This exhibition, organised by the Center of Arts and exhibitions of Tlemcen, also presents the works of photographers Khaled Mami, Karim Bouchtata, Imadeddine Bekkis and Samah Souhila Elaimeche.

"Takamol" is open to the public until 31 January.

Photo: copyrights Instagram account Abdelkader Asloun @asloun.