The Tunisian-French choreographic creation "Archipel" continues in Tunis.

"Archipelago": the first choreographic collaboration between French contemporary dance choreographer Mathilde Monnier and the Ballet of the Opéra of Tunis, and the Choregraphic Ensemble of the National Superior Conservatoire of music and dance in Paris.

The Tunis Opera Ballet hosts the choreographer, a leading figure in contemporary dance in France, for a first creative residency which will result in May 2023 in a show entitled "Archipelago", created for the dancers of the Choreographic Ensemble of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris and the dancers of the Tunis Opera Ballet. It is a piece for 30 dancers, bringing together the two institutions.

The choreographic creation currently continues in Tunis as part of a new 15-day residency which will end on 27 January.