More than 50 films at the International Short Film Festival.

Taking place from 7 to 11 February at the Cité de la Culture in Tunis, the eighth edition of the festival will be free of charge and will feature short films in three categories: fiction, documentary and animation. In addition to Tunisia, the films on the programme represent Italy, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Senegal, Turkey, France, Russia, Spain, Canada, India, Poland, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Iran, the UK, Latvia, South Africa and Georgia.

Fifty-two films were selected from over two thousand six hundred entries received. The jury that made the selection is composed of Mounir Baaziz (Tunisian director), Aziza Boulabiar (Tunisian actress) and Anis Absi (Tunisian director and producer), and Jamila Borji (Moroccan director) whose film "Kamel" will be screened at the opening of the festival.

The programme will be unveiled in the coming days.