Marrakech International Storytelling Festival

The event ended on 19 February with a new record. On the Jemaâ El Fna Square, a performance broke the record of a similar festival in Spain of forty-two hours of storytelling in a row, with a new record of fifty hours.

"We are delighted to have broken this world record as storytellers from all corners of the globe, paying homage to Jemaâ El Fna Square, an intangible heritage of humanity," said the Festival's president and co-founder, Mike Wood.

Placed under the high patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, this second edition brought together nearly ninety storytellers from around the world. The event was organised by the Union of Storytellers for Cultural Creativity and Storytelling and the World Storytelling Cafe. The theme was "Ancestral Voices".

The stories were told in Arabic, Darija, Amazigh, English, Spanish, German, Italian, French but also in Greek, Russian and Persian!

The director of the festival, Zouhir Khaznaoui, mentioned the launch of a storytelling school. The project, which is still on-going, will aim to teach the foundations and principles of storytelling to the younger generations and transmit the values of this oral and ancestral art.

Photo: copyrights Finances News Hebdo.