“We, Lion, Him”

Lebanese artist and designer Najla el-Zein, winner of the 2024 Dia al-Azzawi Prize, made a significant impact on the art scene with her installation We, Lion, Him in Doha. Composed of sculpted limestone benches, this 313-meter-long work embodies human connections through sinuous, intertwined forms. Symbolizing resilience and unity, it was created in Lebanon despite the financial crisis, pandemic, and Beirut port explosion. El-Zein and her team worked with determination, paying tribute to Lebanese craftsmanship and collective strength.

L’œuvre, commandée par le Qatar pour la « Flag Plaza », reflète l’engagement d’el-Zein envers l’art fonctionnel, fusionnant esthétique et utilité dans l’espace public. L’artiste, reconnue depuis sa première installation au Victoria & Albert Museum, explore dans ce projet la communication entre les individus à travers des formes accueillantes ou introverties, symbolisant diverses interactions sociales.

Created in collaboration with Lebanese sculptors, this piece is also a symbol of hope amidst adversity, demonstrating local expertise despite significant logistical challenges. For el-Zein, this tribute to human diversity is a continuation of her work, where the relationship between object and space remains central. She views this project not only as artistic but also as a demonstration of collective resilience, strength, and perseverance in a context of great instability.