Beyrouth : « Thirty Years of Colours »

Last days - until December 30 - to discover the group exhibition "Thirty Years of Colours" at the Galerie Janine Rubeiz. This is a retrospective of works by artists who have contributed to the gallery's influence over the last thirty years, documenting in particular the socio-political changes experienced in the Ras Beirut neighbourhood where the gallery is located.

Participating artists: Yvette Achkar, Ara Azad, Dalia Baassiri, Rached Bohsali, Elie Bourgély, Joseph Chahfé, Petram Chalach, Dinah Diwan, Bassam Geitani, Ahmad Ghaddar (Renoz), Mansour el Habre, Joseph Harb, Leila Jabre Jureidini, Zeina Kamareddine Badran, Christine Kettaneh , Charles Khoury, Sami AlKour, Rima Maroun, Jamil Molaeb, Zad Moultaka, Greta Naufal, Mohamad El Rawas, Aida Salloum, François Sargologo, Hanibal Srouji, Adlita Stephan, Fayçal Sultan, Lara Tabet, Alfred Tarazi, Alain Vassoyan, Jean-Pierre Watchi and Ghada Zoghbi.