National Press Grand Prize

The television prize was won by Abdelhadi Razkou of the "Arryadiya" channel for his report "Al Halimoune" (The Dreamers) recounting the exceptional journey of the Atlas Lions during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

The radio prize was won jointly by journalists Salma Saidi of Radio Chaine Inter for her report entitled "L'Andalousie musulmane" (Muslim Andalusia) and Daoud Alouane of Radio Nationale for his report on "Asinsek ou le langage des sifflements au Maroc" (Asinsek or the language of whistling in Morocco).

The news agency prize, awarded on Friday evening in Rabat as part of the 2nd edition of the Grand Prix National de la Presse, was won by journalist Abdelhakim Khirane of Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse, for his article entitled "Mounia Zmamou: l'innovation au gré des vents".

In the written press category, the prize went to journalist Lahcen Ait Bihi of the weekly Al Ayyam for his article entitled "Souffrances des rescapés du séisme dévastateur" ("Suffering of survivors of the devastating earthquake").

In the online press category, this year's prize went to journalist Soukaina Sadki of the Hespress website, for an article on Morocco's handling of the migration issue.

The Amazigh press prize was won jointly by journalist Nadia Soussi of the Amazigh channel, for a special issue on the "Human stories of earthquake survivors", and by journalist Mohamed El Ghazi of the same channel, for his piece entitled "Fête de la Jeunesse, Royal commitment to youth issues".

The photography prize was awarded jointly to the photo journalist Boujemaa Zidi of Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse for his photo report on the efforts made by the Royal Armed Forces to rescue the victims of the Al Haouz earthquake, and to the photo journalist of the Al Omq website, Rachida Aboumlik, for her photo report on the Al Haouz earthquake.