Sheikh Hamad Prize for Translation and International Understanding

Jaime Sanchez Ratia won first place in the Arabic to Spanish translation category for his translation of the book "Akhabr Abu Tammam" by Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Souli. Noemi Fierro Bandera took second place for her translation of the book "Jamhuriat Kan" by Alaa Al Aswany.

Third place went to Pedro Buendia Pérez for his translation of the book "Al Tarbi W Al Tadwir" by Al Jahiz, and third place also went to Angelina Gutierrez Almanera for her translation of the book "Al Naswiya Fi Sher Al Mara Al Qariay" by Hessa Al Mansouri.

In the Spanish to Arabic translation category, Nadia Al Ashery and Mohamed Berrada took first place for their translation of the book "La littérature secrète des musulmans de l'Espagne tardive, la littérature secrète des morisques", by writer Luthi López Baralt. Mark Jamal also won first prize for his translation of Gabriel García Márquez's "The Autumn of the Patriarch".

First place was awarded in the Arabic to English translation category. Second place went to Hassan Al-Yazighi Al-Zaher for his translation of the book 'Talkhis Al Khitaba' by Ibn Rushd.

Second place also went to Sophia Vassallo and James Montgomery, for their translation of the book 'Al Hawamil wal-Shawamil' by Abu Hayyan Al Tawhidi and Abu Ali Miskawayh. Alessandro Colombo and Mireya Costa took third place for their translation of the book 'Al Hasram' by Zakaria Tamer.

After being turned down for first place, second place in the English to Arabic translation category went to translator Ahmed Mahmoud Ibrahim for his translation of the book "The Messenger of God said - Explaining the hadith in a thousand years" by Joel Bleicher.

This internationally renowned prize was created in 2015 to reward achievement and long-term efforts in the field of translation, and to highlight the role of those involved in consolidating friendship and cooperation between peoples. The prize-winning works help to forge links between nations and contribute to the spread of diversity, pluralism and a spirit of openness.