Rabat: creation of the "Moussalaha" Centre

One of the aims of the agreement is to rehabilitate and reintegrate prisoners sentenced in cases of extremism and terrorism.

It was signed by the secretary general of the Rabita Mohammadia des Oulémas, Ahmed Abbadi, the Délégué Général à l'Administration Pénitentiaire et à la Réinsertion, Mohamed Salah Tamek, the ministre délégué chargé du Budget, Fouzi Lekjaa, the president of the Conseil national des droits de l'Homme, Amina Bouayach, and the coordinator of the Fondation Mohammed VI pour la réinsertion des détenus, Abdelouahed Jamali Idrissi.

Under the terms of the agreement, the centre will be tasked with combating violent extremism and rehabilitating and reintegrating prisoners convicted of terrorism and extremism.

The centre will also be entrusted with new tasks, namely designing programmes to prevent extremism, setting up a monitoring system, taking measures to protect the direct family environment of beneficiaries of the "Moussalaha" programme from adopting extremist ideas, and carrying out studies, research, meetings, conferences and training sessions in this field.

The financial supervision of the centre will be entrusted to a committee chaired by the coordinator of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Prisoners, while an administrative staff will manage it.